Wednesday 15 December 2010


Question 1
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge codes and conventions of real media products?

Question 2
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Question 3
What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I wanted to look at audience feedback by asking a number of people some questions on my documentary, poster and radio advert, and also how they work in conjunction with one another, i chose to format this in the sense of 5 questions on each 'text'.
The questions i asked were as follows...

1.Do you think the documentary had a powerful effect? Support your point.
2. How do you feel about the issues raised in the documentary? How were they altered from before you watched it?
3. Do you think the graphics, such as the fact screenshots and the titles, within the documentary were effective?
4. Do you think the interviews were effective in displaying the issues that were raised?
5. How do you think the music and sound effects add to the feel of the piece?
Radio Advert...
1.       Do you think the radio advert has a good flow to it?
2.       Would the advert attract your attention if you were just casually listening to the radio?
3.       Do you think the advert has all the relevant information to find out when the documentary is on?
4.       Do you think that he documentary and the radio advert have a recognisable connection?
5.       5. Does the radio  advert make you want to watch the documentary? Why?
1.       What is your first impression of the poster? How does it make you feel?
2.       Is the poster easy to interpret in terms of its concept?
3.       Do you think the title of the documentary is relevant to what the poster represents?
4.       How are the documentary and the poster connected? Is this an obvious connection?
5.       What do you think of all the products in connection with eachother? Do you think the connections are obvious together?
These questions summarise the feedback we are hoping to get from the texts and should give us all the answers, i asked 3 people from 3 different social categories to answer the questions, first in written form, and then to be interviewed on record giving their answers.
First audience member
David Franklin
50 years old
Father to 17 year old daughter

                                                                            Second audience member

 Susan Jones
  Age 53

  Ex Drug Sales Woman

  Features in documentary


Question 4
How did you use media technologies in the contruction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
We used a number of technologies in hardware and software to create our documentary and ancillary texts. To begin with the research of the documentary.

Google was used to begin the first essay, 'Codes & Conventions of documentaries'  where google was vital for research into the topic.
Youtube was also used alot within the documentary research, planning and construction, as it was used to view documentaries for inspiration and research, also to find archive footage to use actually within our documentaries and also to upload our docuementary to in order to upload to the blog.

To get the archive footage for the documentary from Youtube , we used Kick youtube which allows you to download videos from the site to use in your own work.
Our filming started with the use of Canon XM2 cameras, we used these to film interviews and cutways, also clip microphones, Kodak Cinipik Still Cameras, Headphones and Tape were taken on location to ensure that every shoot was as smooth as possible. We mounted the cameras onto tripods to make sure that the shot was as proffessional as possible, and also placed them in the composition that was required. The still cameras were used to document some of our filming processes, although this wasnt possible in all of the places we filmed.
Adobe Premiere CS5
The editing software we used is Adobe Premiere CS5, to add to this we used a DV capture deck, firewire lead, between monitor and PC to keep them in synch and give a more finished product throughout the editing process, Samsung LCD Monitors were used for viewing, and TFT monitors for the actual editing itself, along with a Quadcore PC. These made it as simple as possible to edit the documentary to a proffessional standard. We also used Adobe After Effects CS3 to create the graphics within the piece.
To record out radio advert we used the colleges radio room facilities, to get the best possible sounds for our voiceover, we also used microphones and cameras that are stated above and the Adobe Premier CS5 software again to cut the production together.
Finally our poster was made using only two pieces of technology, a Canon Powershot SX100 and Adobe Photoshop CS5 to capture and create the poster.

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