Friday 5 November 2010

Filming Diary

Days One: 17/10/10

We booked out a camera to film over a weekend, and filmed a family member, Sue Franklin on diet pills and media influence on young girls, we set up in her house, as this was easy, and she was not a 'proffesional' opinion, so a home setting mise-en-scene was appropriate, we framed it so she was to the left of the screen and interviewed her on the topic areas, we got around 30 minutes of footage which was a good turn out.

Day Two: 5/11/10

We had left a long time between filming periods, this was due to organisational issues, today we filmed our vox pops in stockton heath, we got 3 people to interview and asked them two questions

'how to do you think the media has influenced dieting habits?'
'what are your opinions of annorexia?'

We found people who were around late twenties to mid forties, this gave a good range, and i think it also gave a good opinion as they are not as such effected, but they can see the effects, and tend to worry more about the younger generations. We also filmed some cutaways in a local pharmacy of diet pills and the shelves, these are not so good so we will probably redo most of them. We interviewed a pharmacist aswell but it wasnt as good as we had hoped, it is definetly useable so it can be used as a last resort, if we cannot get an interview with a GP or another pharmacist.

Day Three: 11/11/10

We filmed a chef named Zoe in our college who knew about food preperation and working in our college had a view on how young girls are effected by the media, and what they eat due to the media.
We asked her the same questions as the Vox Pops questions and also shot some cutaways of food being prepared.

Day Four: 18/11/10
We filmed the narrator doing the voiceover for the documentary, which took about half an hour. He spoke directly into the microphone so the audio quality was at its clearest. There were no problems.

Day Five: 25/11/10
We filmed another voiceover with a different narrator for the documentary's radio trailer. Again, he spoke directly into the microphone for clear audio quality and there were no problems..

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